The Next Generation Of
NextGen Security, LLC is an integrated
physical and electronic security provider
As the world becomes increasingly dependent on technology, the urgency to protect data is mounting at an unprecedented pace. The continued transition from analog to digital carries its own challenges, while needs ranging from software updates to complete revamps of entire systems, equipment, and guidelines put a growing strain on high-tech and IT.
Whatever your particular business, NextGen Security stands at the ready with design and support services, as well as the best physical and digital tools, to address your needs.

After identifying and assessing your concerns, our experts create an engineering package encompassing the scope of work, software integration description, drawing package for system layout, spec sheets, cable paths, physical wiring, equipment, and other associated details.
Then we create the design and help build it, installing, configuring, and customizing the recommended tools to meet your objectives. NextGen staff are certified on all products, and we proactively stay current with the latest emerging technological trends.
Once your security solution is installed, we continue to stand by you with full software and engineering support.
Our maintenance services include parts and labor, software support, on-site system administrators, and remote management systems that allow us to remotely work with your system for faster and higher-quality service. We’re into technology, just like you—and we’re committed to helping you keep your data safe while maximizing its usefulness!
In addition to our U.S. Department of Homeland Security SAFETY Act designation, we have vast expertise creating solutions that comply with the most stringent industrial and governmental regulations in our verticals.