When an emergency unfolds, having the ability to clearly see what is happening in real-time can be critical. Likewise, after-incident review and investigation will require clear images of all areas of interest. This involves proper camera count, placement, resolution,...
As the national stay at home guidelines lift, facilities of all kinds – commercial, industrial, hospitality, retail, houses of worship, and more – are grappling with how to meet the new COVID-19 prevention guidelines. Places where people worked and...
As a dedicated systems integration partner, clients know they can always depend on NextGen for ALL of their security needs. In our continuing commitment to deliver the very best in customer service, we are very pleased to introduce our newly launched Client...
With Social Distancing taking on such significance in our new COVID-19 world, the ability to deliver touchless access control has never been more vital. The Corona virus spreads like wildfire with human to human contact, so it only makes sense to implement as many...
Enterprises of all kinds have been increasingly leveraging the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities for a while now. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies enabled by sensors have allowed end users the ability to count people...